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Relaxer Table Object

Relaxer Table Object (RTO) is a Data Access Object (DAO) to access RDBMS tables.

Basic Style

Table[Relaxer Table Object method list] is a list of constructors for RTO.

Relaxer Table Object method list
Signature Function
Constructor(String uri, String tableName) Creates an RTO from the JDBC URL and the table name.
Constructor(String uri, String tableName, String username, String password) Creates an RTO from the JDBC URL, the table name, the user name, and the password.
Constructor(String uri, String tableName, java.util.Properies properties) Creates an RTO from the JDBC URL, the table name, and properties.
Constructor(java.sql.Connection connection, String tableName) Creates an RTO from the JDBC connection and the table name.

Table[Relaxer Table Object instance method list] is a list of instance methods for RTO.

Relaxer Table Object instance method list
Signature Function
boolean getJdbc2() Gets whether or not JDBC2 facility is available.
void setJdbc2(boolean jdbc2) Sets whether or not JDBC2 facility is available.
String getQuoteId() Gets a quote symbol to quote ids in SQL.
void setQuoteId(String quoteId) Sets a quote symbol to quote ids in SQL.
String getQuoteWhere() Gets a quote symbol to quote a where clause in SQL.
void setQuoteWhere(String quoteWhere) Sets a quote symbol to quote a where clause in SQL.
String getQuoteIdInWhere() Gets a quote symbol to quote ids in a where clause in SQL.
void setQuoteIdInWhere(String quoteIdInWhere) Sets a quote symbol to quote ids in a where clause in SQL.
String getTableName() Gets the table name.
java.sql.Connection getConnection() Gets the JDBC connection.
String getSelectClause() Gets the select clause to be used in the RTO.
boolean getAutoCommit() Gets whether or not auto-commit is available.
void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) Sets whether or not auto-commit is available.
void commit() Commits the transaction.
void rollback() Aborts the transaction.
boolean getTransactionIsolation() Gets the transaction isolation level.
void setTransactionIsolation(boolean transactionIsolation) Sets the transaction isolation level.
void dispose() Release the resources used by the RTO.
void close() Closes the RTO.
boolean isClosed() Tests whether or not the RTO is closed.
void createTable() Creates the table for the RTO.
void dropTable() Drops the table of the RTO.
org.w3c.dom.Document[] selectAsDocuments() Selects all records as XML documents.
RelaxerObject[] select() Selects all records as ROs.
org.w3c.dom.Element[] selectAsElements(org.w3c.dom.Document doc) Selects all records as XML elements.
org.w3c.dom.Document selectAsDocument() Selects all records as an XML document.
org.w3c.dom.Document[] selectAsDocuments(String where) Selects all records specified by the where cluase as XML documents.
RelaxerObject[] select(String where) Selects all records specified by the where cluase as ROs.
org.w3c.dom.Element[] selectAsElements(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, String where) Selects all records specified by the where cluase as XML elements.
org.w3c.dom.Document selectAsDocument(String where) Selects all records specified by the where cluase as an XML element.
org.w3c.dom.Document[] selectByExpressionAsDocuments(String expression) Selects all records specified by the expression as XML documents.
RelaxerObject[] selectByExpression(String expression) Selects all records specified by the expression as ROs.
org.w3c.dom.Element[] selectByExpressionAsElements(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, String expression) Selects all records specified by the expression as XML elements.
org.w3c.dom.Document selectByExpressionAsDocument(String expression) Selects all records specified by the expression cluase as an XML element.
RelaxerTableListObject selectAsList() Selects all records as an RTLO.
RelaxerTableListObject selectAsList(String where) Selects all records specified by the where cluase as an RTLO.
RelaxerTableListObject selectByExpressionAsList(String expression) Selects all records specified by the expression as an RTLO.
void insert(org.w3c.dom.Document doc) Inserts the record by the XML document.
void insert(org.w3c.dom.Document[] docs) Inserts the records by the XML documents.
void insert(org.w3c.dom.Element element) Inserts the record by the XML element.
void insert(org.w3c.dom.Element elements) Inserts the records by the XML elements.
void insert(org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment frag) Inserts the records by the XML fragment.
void insert(RelaxerObject object) Inserts the records by the RO.
void insert(RelaxerObject[] objects) Inserts the records by the ROs.
void insert(java.util.Collection collection) Inserts the records by the collection.
void insert(String uri) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the URI.
void insert(String[] uris) Inserts the record by the XML files specified by the URIs.
void insert(java.net.URL url) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by URL.
void insert(java.net.URL[] urls) Inserts the record by the XML files specified by URLs.
void insert(java.io.File file) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the file.
void insert(java.io.File[] files) Inserts the record by the XML files specified by the files.
void insert(java.io.InputStream in) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the input stream.
void insert(java.io.InputStream[] ins) Inserts the record by the XML files specified by the input streams.
void insert(org.xml.sax.InputSource in) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the InputSource.
void insert(org.xml.sax.InputSource[] ins) Inserts the record by the XML files specified by the InputSources.
void insert(java.io.Reader in) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the Reader.
void insert(java.io.Reader[] ins) Inserts the record by the XML file specified by the Readers.
void delete(String where) Deletes all records specified by the where cluase.

Table[Relaxer Table Object static method list] is a list of static methods for RTO.

Relaxer Table Object static method list
Signature Function
org.w3c.dom.Document[] makeDocuments(java.sql.ResultSet rs) Creates XML documents from the ResultSet.
org.w3c.dom.Document makeDocument(java.sql.ResultSet rs) Creates an XML document from the ResultSet.
org.w3c.dom.Element[] makeElements(java.sql.ResultSet rs, org.w3c.dom.Document doc) Creates XML elements from the ResultSet.
org.w3c.dom.Element makeElement(java.sql.ResultSet rs, org.w3c.dom.Document doc) Creates an XML elements from the ResultSet.
void main(String[] args) Main method to be used as the command.

The jdbc.ee

If the jdbc.ee is set to true, constructors shown below accept a JNDI name in addition to a normal JDBC URL.


If the schema has a primary key, some methods are appended in the RTO. Table[Relaxer Table Object instance method list] is a list of instance methods with regard to the primary key.

Relaxer Table Object instance method list
Signature Function
org.w3c.dom.Document getByPropertyAsDocument(Type key) Gets a record specified by the key as an XML document.
RO getByProperty(Type property) Gets a record specified by the key as an RO.
int update(org.w3c.dom.Document doc) Updates the record by the XML document.
int update(org.w3c.dom.Element element) Updates the record by the XML element.
int update(RO object) Updates the record by the RO.
int deleteByAccountNo(Type key) Deletes the record specified by the key.