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The jdbc.quote.where option

A jdbc.quote.where option specifies a default value of a quotation symbol for a where clause in a SQL.


The jdbc.quote.where option takes a quotation symbol to quote a where clause in a SQL command. In case of SQL-92 comformance dababases, no quotations are used. Therefore default is "" (null string).

If a value of the jdbc.quote.where option is either not null or a null string, a value of the jdbc.quote.idInWhere option is used as a quotation symbol to quote ids in the where clause.


The jdbc.quote.where option generates no additional classes. The jdbc.quote.where option just modified the behavior of Relaxer Table Objects.

The jdbc.quote.where option adds no additional methods to Relaxer objects.


List[jdbcQuoteWhere.rng] is a sample schema for the jdbc.quote.where option.

<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
    <ref name="account"/>
  <define name="account">
    <element name="account">
      <attribute name="accountNo">
        <data type="token"/>
      <element name="balance">
        <data type="int"/>
      <element name="owner">
        <data type="token"/>
      <ref name="address"/>
        <ref name="phone"/>
  <define name="address">
    <element name="address">
      <attribute name="zip">
        <data type="token"/>
  <define name="phone">
    <element name="phone">
      <attribute name="area">
        <data type="token"/>
      <data type="token"/>

Execution of Relaxer with the jdbc.quote.where option is as follows. Note that, because back-quote (`) has a special meaning in UNIX shell, the back-quote (`) is escaped using back-slash (\).

$ relaxer -jdbc -jdbc.data.quote.where:\` jdbcDataProfile.rng