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The Java generator supports extension syntaxes embedding information in RELAX schemas. Relaxer generates special code using the information.


The namespace of extension syntax for common is a http://www.relaxer.org/xmlns/relaxer.

Usually relaxer is used for a prefix to represent namespace the namespace http://www.relaxer.org/xmlns/relaxer. Nonetheless, you may use any prefix.

There are following three kind of targets:

Target 'class' means that extension syntax applies to classes. (e.g. class name)

Target 'property' means that extension sytanx applies to attributes of classes. (e.g. attribute name)

Target 'data' means that extension sytax applies to type of attributes. (e.g. attribute type)

Table[target and element] shows mappings between the target and the element of RELAX grammars, both RELAX NG and RELAX Core.

target and element
target RELAX NG RELAX Core note
class define elementRule
element element
property element element
attribute attribute
ref ref
data data elementRule


The Java generator supports the following attributes for this extension syntax:

Table[List of the extionsion attributes for the Java geneartor] is a list of the extension attributes for the Java generator.

List of the extionsion attributes for the Java geneartor
attribute target function
weight class weight of the target class